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We offer a wide range of high-quality products that you can shop on site.
Revvity offers reliable, automated solutions for microbial nucleic acid isolation from challenging
A receptor ligand binding assay allows for the study and simple imaging of cell surface receptors
Our biomarker detection reagents and kits are designed to excel in applications that rely on high
Our comprehensive suite of cell lines caters to a wide range of applications, spanning from
Revvity's PhenoVue™ suite of cellular imaging reagents – including cell painting kits, organelle and
Revvity offers a range of centrifuge rotors to support a variety of sample tube types and volumes
Centrifuges are an indispensable lab tool for molecular and cellular biology protocols that require
Cytokines regulate several physiological and pathological roles including innate immunity, acquired
DELFIA™ (dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluorescent immunoassay)TRFテクノロジーは、時間分解蛍光(TRF
The epigenetics’ field revolutionized the understanding of heredity.
Revvity's frozen, growth arrested AequoZen® and cAMPZen® cells express a variety of GPCRs for
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of membrane proteins and the most studied
We offer a range of products for scalable animal-free 3D cell culture applications, providing
Immuno-oncology is a leader in the worldwide drug development pipeline and is at the forefront of
IVIS™ 光学、Quantum microCT、Vega 超音波イメージングシステムの機能を合理化し、拡張するために、信頼性の高い性能、生産性
Labeled nucleotides are critical elements for sequence detection in a wide variety of techniques
LANCE™ (lanthanide chelate excite) TR-FRET技術は、時間分解蛍光(TRF)とフェルスター共鳴エネルギー移動(FRET)の利点を組み合わせたもので
Luciferase assays allow for the study of transcriptional gene expression, virus life cycles, and
Revvity's Membrane Target Systems offer a selection of targets for your ligand receptor binding
Over 55 million people worldwide are developing dementia and this number is expected to double by
Use the highest quality reagents available today to screen for core newborn disorders as well as
To keep up with the speed of your innovation, we strive to provide tools designed to benefit your
Cell Painting is a powerful and new phenotypic high-content screening approach which combines cell
PhenoVue™ complementary reagents are designed for use with PhenoVue cell painting kits, fluorescent
Cellular imaging techniques, such as high-content analysis, rely on the ability to detect and
Fluorescent secondary antibodies are everyday tools for researchers performing high-content analysis
Select the precise disposable tip that you need for any application. We offer a variety of dispense
The human kinome comprises 518 protein kinases and 20 lipid kinases.
The interactions and binding of proteins are implicated in a large number of biological processes
We offer a wide array of consumables for our automated JANUS®, Sciclone® and Zephyr® liquid handling
Accessories, namely, probes and tips that are of the size conductive to the application and easy-to
Commonly called sonicators, ultrasonic homogenizers, utilize high-frequency ultrasonic waves to
Protein homeostasis in the cellular environment is achieved through the ubiquitin-proteasome system
Viruses and virally transmitted diseases have been impacting human health and well-being for