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Stainless steel, Omni Tip™ hybrid, and Omni Tip plastic homogenizer probes

Rotor stator homogenizers, both handheld and automated, are robust, versatile tools, in part, thanks to their compatibility with a range of generator probes that cater to diverse sample types, such as soft or hard tissues. We offer generator probes of different sizes, material durability, and use cases that fall into three broad categories – stainless steel probes, Omni Tip hybrid probes, and Omni Tip disposable plastic probes.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Generator Probes

Options for generator probes

Stainless steel probes are available and unique to our mixers, handheld rotor stators, and automated homogenizers. They are durable solutions for a variety of application.

Omni Tip hybrid probes are made of a stainless steel outer stator tube with an inner ultem plastic rotor shaft. They provide the convenience of disposable probes with the durability of a traditional stainless-steel probe in a simple two-piece design, which makes them easier to clean or allows the user to dispose of the plastic shafts as single-use consumables. They are our recommended solutions for research applications utilizing chemical compounds such as chloroform and phenol.

Omni Tip plastic probes are made from durable plastics and are cost-effective solutions for those who have significant throughput and are looking to significantly reduce cross-contamination risk with a single-use, discardable probe. They are offered in two varieties - probes for hard, frozen, or fibrous tissue processing and probes for oft tissues and liquid/liquid processing.

Generator probes are compatible as-is with the automated homogenizers and workstations, as well as the Omni THQ handheld units. They are also compatible with our other hand-held units when used with their respective coupling adapters, though most of our units come with an adapter included at time of ordering.

Within sample prep workflows, sample homogenization is an important and early component that impacts downstream analysis. Consider which rotor-stator generator probes would be appropriate for your application and throughput.

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