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Reagents for Fibrosis Research

Unravel the complexity of the cellular and molecular process of fibrosis

When the body sustains an injury, the formation of an extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important protective mechanism for tissue regeneration and healing. It acts as a glue holding broken tissues together, filling the space left after cellular death, and providing a medium suitable for the growth of new tissues. Fibrosis is a dangerous condition where an excessive accumulation of ECM, in response to chronic injury or illness, leads to organ dysfunction and failure.

There are multiple versions of fibrotic disorders that exist in all organs. In the USA, it has been estimated that 45% of deaths there can be attributed to fibrotic disorders. Some examples of potentially fatal fibrotic diseases include idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, renal fibrosis (chronic kidney disease), hepatic cirrhosis, and cardiac fibrosis.


Mechanisms of fibrogenesis following tissue injury.

When injured, tissues emit inflammatory signals, like cytokines and growth factors. These attract and stimulate fibroblasts, the primary cellular effector of wound healing and fibrosis. Under the influences of these factors, fibroblasts differentiate into myofibroblasts and produce ECM in the wound. They then promote the growth of new blood vessels and cells, which fill the gap left after the injury. Over time, the ECM deposited by fibroblasts is remodeled and replaced by new cells to achieve a regenerated state. In fibrotic disorders, this process is altered by persistent inflammation, which forces the fibroblasts to deposit excessive amounts of ECM into the wound. This results in the scar tissues that characterize such disorders.

Revvity has made available a wide range of documents with educational content and reagents dedicated to fibrosis to help you in your research. We have developed a panel of ready-to-use tests to monitor biomarkers, phosphoproteins, and transcription factors involved in disease development and progression of fibrotic disorders. 

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Reagents for Fibrosis Research

Fibroblasts & ECM management

Fibroblasts are ubiquitous mesenchymal cells that fulfil multiple roles in tissue development, tissue repair, and the overall management of inflammation. They are the main source of collagen and the primary cellular effectors of fibrosis, which makes them one of the most widely investigated aspects of that disease.

In the adult body, fibroblasts remain in a resting state until prompted to activation and differentiation. This initial signal is usually received in the form of mechanical stress resulting from a loss of integrity of nearby tissues. Fibroblasts sense these subtle differences via a cortical network of actin and fibronectin/integrin complexes and start differentiating themselves into proto-myofibroblasts. Changes include cytoplasmic actin filaments, expression of alternatively spliced ED-A fibronectin, and the growth of focal adhesion points that distort their shape. The full differentiation of fibroblasts requires them to migrate to injury sites, where they receive additional stimuli and TGF-β1. Differentiated myofibroblasts are then characterized by their large amount of ED-A fibronectin, high collagen secretions, and criss-crossing α-SMA filaments that confer them contractility.


Process of differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts.

The complete differentiation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts involves a complex pro-fibrotic and inflammatory environment, with multiple cytokines, growth factors, and external stimuli. TGF-β1 signaling is utterly essential, with SMAD2 and SMAD3 being key promoters of collagen expression. However other pathways contribute to the process, such as PDGF and pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling. Along with TGF-β1, mechanical tension is the second most important stimulus without which the myofibroblast phenotype cannot be fully expressed. It is mediated through cells via the transmembrane integrins linked to the ECM. The transduction relies on the resulting fibrillar or globular state of actin, which regulates the hippo pathway. Successful transduction of mechanical stress promotes the expression of Alpha Smooth Muscular Actin (α-SMA), which forms contractile filaments across myofibroblasts and further enhances their sensitivity to mechanical stress. 


The different signalling pathways conferring myofibroblast contractility following various stimuli.

TGF-β1 signaling in fibrosis

The transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is a highly-important cytokine acting as a central mediator in several mechanisms related to injury and inflammation, including fibroblast regulation, ECM remodeling, wound healing, immunoregulation, proliferation, survival, and differentiation. In particular, TGF-β1 is known as the principal and necessary mediator of fibroblast activation and the expression of pro-fibrotic phenotype. As such, TGF-β1 is of major interest in fibrosis-related research, but its involvement in multiple mechanisms makes it an unrealistic therapeutic target in itself. The different pathways signaling from TGF-β receptors are therefore generally considered to be better therapeutic approaches.

The TGF-β1 canonical signaling pathway is SMAD-dependent and mediates TGF-β1 binding to its TbRII/ALK5 Ser/Thr kinase transmembrane receptor. It involves the successive phosphorylation and association of SMAD2, 3, & 4. The SMAD2/3/4 complex then acts as a transcription factor promoting the expression of pro-fibrotic phenotypes. The regulation loop is ensured by YB-1 and SMAD7, which respectively promote the latter and inhibit SMAD2 & 3 phosphorylation. Non-canonical SMAD-dependent signaling differs from the canonical pathway by the receptor binding TGF-β1, which incorporates an ALK1 subunit in the place of TbRII. The SMAD complex is also different, and made up of SMAD1, 5, & 4. This pathway results in pro-fibrotic phenotypes as well, and is known to inhibit its canonical equivalent at the SMAD2/3 complex level. SMAD6 acts as a regulator. 


The TGF-β1 canonical and non-canonical SMAD-dependent pathways.

Apart from the SMAD-dependent pathways that mediate most of its known pro-fibrotic effects, TGF-β1 also signals through non-canonical SMAD-independent pathways with wide-ranging result, including cell survival, proliferation, cell size increase, inflammation, and sometimes apoptosis.

The P13K-AKT and ERK pathways mediate effects related to stress resistance and survival. They also exhibit interaction with the canonical SMAD-dependent pathway, which they respectively promote and inhibit. In particular, the phosphorylated state of AKT promotes or inhibits SMAD3 phosphorylation via GSK3. The JNK/p38 MAPK and JAK2/STAT3 pathways are related to inflammatory signaling. While the former mediates its effects through the inflammatory mediators NF-kB and JNK, the latter signals via the usual JAK phosphorylation at the membrane and STAT phosphorylation, dimerization, and translocation to the nucleus. Lastly, the ROCK kinase pathway mediates through myosin light chain (MLC) and cofilin, with results in the cytoskeletal architecture of cells. In particular, this signalization may be critical to the actin filament polymerization that is required for the full expression of pro-fibrotic phenotypes.


The TGF-β1 non-canonical SMAD-independent pathway.

The role of innate and adaptive immunity in fibrosis

Fibrosis as a process is not a systematically pathological event, and is an essential part of wound healing and tissue repair in response to injuries. The mechanism only becomes pathological when the regulation of fibroblasts is compromised or lost.

In particular, cells of both innate and adaptive immunity are recruited and activated at injury/inflammation sites, and the range of their activities makes them a non-negligible source of signals that can tip the fibrosis process either toward healthy scarring or pathological accumulation of scar tissues.

Innate immunity cells are believed to mostly contribute pro-fibrotic signals to the wound-healing process. Macrophages are resident cells with a dual role. When classically activated (M1), they act as pro-inflammatory pathogen-clearing effectors, while their alternatively activated phenotype (M2) is the main source of TGF-β1 for fibroblast differentiation and the secondary cellular effector of fibrosis. There are three types of Granulocyte pro-fibrotic signals. First, the pro-inflammatory cytokines they secrete and which accumulate at an injury site promotes macrophage and fibroblast activity. Second, the cytotoxic contents of eosinophils and neutrophils are sources of cellular damage and inflammatory DAMPs. Third, basophils and eosinophils promote the M2 macrophage phenotype with secretions of IL-4 and IL-13. Eosinophils are also a direct source of TGF-β1.


The roles of innate immunity cells involved in the fibrotic process after tissue damage.

The contribution of Adaptive immunity cells is more nuanced. On the one hand, helper T-cells 2 (Th2) are promoters of the pro-fibrotic M2 macrophage phenotype via their secretions of IL-4 and IL-13. Helper T-cells 17 (Th17) are also assimilated to pro-fibrotic actors, as their secretion of IL-17A creates a durable pro-inflammatory environment and promotes neutrophil degranulation of their cytotoxic contents.

On the other hand, helper T-cells 1 (Th1) appear to have anti-fibrotic properties due to their IFN-γ secretion, which inhibits the M2 macrophage phenotype and therefore reduces the availability of TGF- β1.  Regulatory T-cells (T-reg) are more controversial. Most studies agree on their anti-fibrotic properties, which result from their anti-inflammatory IL-10 and adenosine secretions, which directly downregulate other T-cells and pro-inflammatory cell activity. However, T-reg cells are also a source of TGF-β1, which has been found to confer an overall pro-fibrotic effect in some experimental contexts. 


The roles of adaptive immunity cells involved in the fibrotic process after tissue damage.

Key fibrotic disorders

Human fibrotic diseases are a significant health problem worldwide, due to the large number of people affected and our incomplete knowledge of the pathogenesis of the fibrotic process. Fibrotic disorders also tend to have poor outcomes as no therapeutic approach has proven entirely effective in reversing and curing them. Two fibrotic disorders are currently considered of particular relevance:

  • NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis) is closely linked to the triple epidemics of obesity, pre-diabetes, and diabetes. Symptoms are often silent or non-specific to NASH for years, making this disease difficult to diagnose and therefore prone to escalate to liver fibrosis over time.
  • Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), the most common form of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, is a chronic, progressive, irreversible, and generally fatal lung disease of unknown cause. Pulmonary fibrosis in general can be triggered by pulmonary infection, and the COVID-19 pandemic now raises concerns about a potential wave of pulmonary fibrosis in the coming years. 

Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis, or NASH, is the aggravation of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), where an accumulation of fat in the liver results in metabolic changes and a chronic inflammatory environment. This chronic inflammation is a favorable ground for fibrosis development and potential escalation to liver cancer. 


Evolution of fibrosis pathogenesis in NASH disease. 

Pulmonary fibrosis

Covid-19, caused by the highly pathogenic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), presents high morbidity and mortality due to the development of SARS associated with extensive pulmonary fibrosis. SARS-CoV-2 is dependent on binding to the ACE2, part of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). The down-regulation of ACE2 on the binding of the virus disrupts the RAS downstream activities, leading to increased inflammation and the development of fibrosis. The poor prognosis and the risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis are associated with increased expression of ACE2 in at-risk groups (e.g. cases with obesity, heart disease, and/or aging), giving the virus numerous opportunities to bind and internalize ACE2, thereby preventing the enzyme from acting as an anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic agent. 


Evolution of fibrosis pathogenesis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

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Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Human FLT3 kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular FLT3. This kit can be used as a normalization assay with our Phospho-FLT3 Tyr 589/591 and Phospho-FLT3 Tyr 842 kits to enable optimal investigation of the FLT3 pathway.

Part Number: 64FLT3TPEG, 64FLT3TPEH
Photo ATM Phospho-S1981 Kit

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of ATM phosphorylation at Ser1981, which is activated upon DNA damage. This kit enables optimal investigation of the ATM/CHK2 pathway, including selective inhibitors.

Part Number: 64ATMS1PEG, 64ATMS1PEH
Photo Aurora A Phospho-T288 Kit

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of phosphorylated human Aurora A at Thr288.

Part Number: 64AURAT2PEG, 64AURAT2PEH
Photo CCL22 Kit

The HTRF Human CCL22 kit is designed for the quantification of human CCL22 release in cell supernatant.

Part Number: 62HCCL22PEG, 62HCCL22PEH
Photo ATG14 Total Kit

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of ATG14 as a readout of the autophagy pathway, and can be combined with our Phospho-ATG14 Ser 29 kit.

Part Number: 64ATG14TPEG, 64ATG14TPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Progranulin HTRF kit is designed for the accurate quantitative measurement of Progranulin produced by cells.

Part Number: 62PROPEG, 62PROPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of phosphorylated CDK1 (Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 1) at Tyr 15, which is an inhibitory phospho-site essential for maintaining genome integrity and preventing DNA damage during the G2-M phase transition.

Part Number: 64CDK1Y5PEG, 64CDK1Y5PEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The HTRF Human ADAR1 Detection Kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular ADAR1.

Part Number: 64ADAR1TPEG, 64ADAR1TPEH
Picture of HTRF RAB10 kit

The HTRF total RAB10 kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular RAB10, a RAB GTPase that regulates intracellular membrane trafficking. This kit can be used as a normalization assay with our Phospho-RAB10 Thr73 kit.

Part Number: 64RAB10TPEG, 64RAB10TPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of mouse phosphorylated STING as a readout of the activation of the cGAS-STING pathway.

Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The HTRF Human Total cGAS detection kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular cGAS.

Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Total EGFR EX19DEL kit is designed to quantify the expression level of EGFR mutant DEL19 in cells

Part Number: 64EGFRD19PEG
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Total H2AX kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular human H2AX, and can be used as a normalization assay for the Phospho-H2AX (Ser139) Detection kit.

Part Number: 64H2AXTPEG, 64H2AXTPEH
Photo ATG16L1 Phospho-S278 Kit

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of ATG16L1 phosphorylation at Serine 278 as a readout of the autophagy pathway.

Part Number: 64ATG16S8PEG, 64ATG16S8PEH
Photo ATG14 Phospho-S29 Kit

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of ATG14 phosphorylation at Ser29 as a readout of the autophagy pathway.

Part Number: 64ATG14S9PEG, 64ATG14S9PEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Total RBM39 kit is designed to quantify the expression level of RBM39 in cells

Part Number: 64RBM39TPEG, 64RBM39TPEH
Photo ATM Total Kit

The Total ATM kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular ATM, a serine kinase involved in DNA damage response. This kit can be used as a normalization assay with our Phospho-ATM Ser1981 kit to enable optimal investigation of the ATM/CHK2 pathway.

Part Number: 64ATMTPEG, 64ATMTPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of phosphorylated human Aurora B at Thr232.

Part Number: 64AURBT2PEG, 64AURBT2PEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Human Progesterone Receptor kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular Progesterone Receptor.

Part Number: 64HPRTPEG, 64HPRTPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Total Aurora B kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular human Aurora B, and can be used as a normalization assay for the Phospho-Aurora B Thr232 Detection Kit.

Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Total HDAC4 kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular HDAC4, and can be used as a normalization assay for the Phospho-HDAC4 Ser246 Detection Kit.

Part Number: 64HDAC4TPEG, 64HDAC4TPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

This HTRF kit detects cellular STAT6 and can be used as a normalization assay with our phospho-STAT6 kit for an optimal readout of JAK/STAT signaling.

Part Number: 64STAT6TPEG, 64STAT6TPEH
Photo ATG16L1 Total Kit

This HTRF kit enables the cell-based quantitative detection of total ATG16L1 as a readout of the autophagy pathway, and can be combined with our HTRF Phospho-ATG16L1 (Ser278) kit.

Part Number: 64ATG16TPEG, 64ATG16TPEH
Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

This HTRF kit is designed to detect SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 proteins in cell lysates or cell supernatant, as a marker of viral infection.

Shipping box for Revvity reagent kits

The Mouse Total STING kit is designed to monitor the expression level of cellular mouse STING, and can be used as a normalization assay for the Mouse phospho-STING kit.

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Application Note
Application Note
A guideline for HTRF cell-based phospho-protein data normalization

Get the best out of your phosphorylation assays Combining phospho and total protein assays enables better analysis. This Application Note provides valuable guidelines for efficiently analyzing and interpreting results from such assay combinations. Check out all the tips and examples in features! Features Introduction to phospho and total protein assay relevance Tips for handling and interpreting data Examples from actual experiments

Technical Note
Technical Note
A simple method for preparing GPCR membrane model extracts from stable cell lines for use with the HTRF GTP Gi binding assay

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are crucial transmembrane proteins involved in cellular signal transduction. This technical note outlines a method for preparing GPCR membrane model extracts from stable cell lines, specifically for use with the HTRF GTP Gi binding assay. Get this technical note and discover: Key Highlights such as the Importance of GPCRs and the advantages of using HTRF GTP Gi Binding Assay Detailed Method with Cell Culture Preparation, Cell Lysis, Membrane Preparation and Assay Optimization For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Addressing the interactome with protein-protein interaction assays

Protein-protein interactions: cover them all with one approach This brochure illustrates the possibilities and versatility of protein-protein interaction studies. It features six relevant examples of various interaction types taken from literature to show you how studies can be handled with the time-resolved fret-based HTRF approach, including virus blockade, receptor/ligand binding, protease activity, and more. Features: Introduction to the stakes of protein-protein interaction research Illustration of 6 published interaction studies involving biologics or small molecules For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Advance your biologics research with Revvity solutions

In the dynamic landscape of pharmaceuticals, biotherapeutics research stands out as the fastest-growing sector. Scientists worldwide are on a quest for ever more efficient tools to develop therapeutic proteins. From lead selection to bioprocessing qualification, rigorous analytical characterization is essential. That’s where Revvity steps in. Our comprehensive line of no-wash tools revolutionizes biologics screening, mechanism-of-action studies, and biomanufacturing. With robustness and convenience at the forefront, we empower researchers to accelerate discoveries and drive innovation. Welcome to a new era of precision and efficiency in biotherapeutics research. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Application Note
Application Note
Advancing K-Ras Targeted Therapies with Innovative Detection Methods

The RAS family of genes, particularly K-Ras, plays a critical role in cancer biology. Despite its notorious difficulty as a therapeutic target, recent breakthroughs have brought new hope in treating cancers driven by K-Ras mutations. Our latest application note delves into innovative approaches to K-Ras inhibition, including small molecule inhibitors, synthetic lethality strategies, and PROTAC® molecules. We also showcase the high specificity and sensitivity of the no-wash HTRF™ K- Ras immunoassay, a cutting-edge tool that offers a reliable and precise method for evaluating K-Ras protein levels, outperforming traditional techniques. Discover how this assay can accelerate your research in targeting the elusive K-Ras.

Application Note
Application Note
Advantages of using our automatable and no-wash HTRF and AlphaLISA kits for CHO HCP detection

Detecting and quantifying HCPs with automatable homogeneous immunoassays During biotherapeutic manufacturing and production, the host cells - a great majority of them being Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells – produce protein impurities that are called Host Cell Proteins (HCPs). Even if more than 99% of them are removed from the final product, the residual CHO HCPs can induce immunogenicity in individuals or reduce the potency, stability, or effectiveness of a drug. Therefore, to meet regulatory organizations’ guidelines (such as FDA or EMA) on CHO HCP levels, biopharmaceutical companies spend significant amounts of money on tools and strategies for their detection. Illustrated with robust results, this Application Note explains the many ways in which HTRF™ and AlphaLISA™ kits can improve the workflow for CHO HCP detection: Wide antibody coverage Compatibility with most commonly used buffers No cross-reactivity between CHO HCP detection and drug substance Good dilutional linearity and antigen spike recovery

An overview of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis pathogenesis, cellular actors, and pathways Atherosclerosis is a common condition in which arteries harden and become narrow due to a build-up of fatty material, usually cholesterol, and other substances such as calcium. This can lead to a range of serious health complications, including heart attack or stroke, making the disease an important contributing factor in death and morbidity in developed countries. Recent developments in our understanding of atherosclerosis from a molecular perspective include the discovery of new players in disease pathogenesis. Included in this white paper Atherosclerosis: step-by-step pathogenesis, therapeutic strategies, and recent developments Detailed descriptions and explanations, including a focus on pathways

Antibody-based therapeutic modalities in oncology

With over 200 different types of cancer, management relies on a variety of techniques such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. These types of therapies can be associated with severe side effects, and finding safer and more effective treatments is a priority in cancer therapeutics research. One approach that has shown huge potential is monoclonal antibody-based cancer therapeutics. In this white paper we explore this exciting area of anti-cancer research, covering mechanism of action, development, and challenges in monoclonal antibody-based therapeutics, including antibody-drug conjugates and multispecific antibodies.

Application Note
Application Note
Assessment of drug efficacy and toxicity by combining innovative technologies

Compound MoA and potential cytotoxic effects deciphered thanks to immunoassays and cell viability assay The attrition of drug molecules occurs at various stages in the development process, and most early-phase failures are attributed to safety and toxicity issues. Considering the economic impact of early project termination, the biggest challenge comes from selecting the most potent and selective drug compounds while assessing their potential toxic side effects. In this application note, you’ll discover how to easily combine AlphaLISA™, HTRF™, or AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ immunoassays with the ATPlite™ 1step cell viability assay to simultaneously, and in a single sample, study the efficacy of drug compounds on disease pathways while identifying possible cytotoxic effects. Recommendations Detailed workflows Case studies on various cell lines and different markers using HTRF, AlphaLISA, or AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra immunoassays together with the ATPlite 1step cell viability assay

Autophagy regulation eBook

Taking autophagy regulation research a step further Autophagy regulation is a key molecular process involved in recycling long-lived protein and organelles. Dysregulation of autophagy leads to different pathologies such as cancer, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases. This eBook features: Key facts about autophagy and mitophagy Infographics to apprehend the basics Cutting-edge knowledge

Benefit from a collection of important NAFLD pathways

Get a useful overview of today’s NAFLD knowledge with this booklet. NASH disease is complex and follows many development pathways. This booklet provides you with critical information regarding NAFLD and more specifically about NASH progression. Review the fundamentals of NAFLD and NASH learn from an important research report Benefit from additional content to help your NASH research

Benefit from an insight into the diversity of immune cells & signaling pathways

Get a useful overview of today’s immunity knowledge with this booklet Immunity is a collection of complex processes involving multiple strategies and specialized cell types. This booklet provides you with critical information regarding their roles, characteristic and signaling pathways as well as the collaborative behaviors that contribute to immunity. Featured in this guide: Review the fundamentals of immune cell types and mechanisms Learn from a cutting-edge research report Pathways and functional details on over 10 specialized immune cells

Application Note
Application Note
CDK signaling in oncology: assess the effectiveness of a CDK9-targeting PROTAC molecule

CDK9 is an attractive target for cancer therapeutics due to its crucial role in transcription regulation, particularly of short-lived anti-apoptotic proteins such as MCL-1 and XIAP which are critical to the survival of cancer cells. One approach for specifically degrading CDK9 is using a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC). In this application note, you will discover: The rapid and strong effect of CDK9 PROTAC molecule Thal-SNS-032, demonstrating specificity in CDK9 degradation How HTRF ® and AlphaLISA ® SureFire ® Ultra ™ are used to measure protein levels, with each tool showcasing the ability of PROTACs to rapidly degrade a targeted protein making it a unique tool in the fight against cancer

Application Note
Application Note
CDK signaling: Investigate CDK4/6 inhibition in breast cancer cell lines with HTRF immunoassays

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) 4 & 6 play a key in breast cancer. Cyclin D1-CDK4/6 complexes are critical regulators of the cell cycle transition from the G1 to S phase. To proceed through these phases, a cell must pass a restrictive checkpoint, tightly regulated in this case by the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rb). Palbociclib is a small molecule kinase inhibitor that blocks Cyclin D1-CDK4/6 mediated phosphorylation of the Rb protein to prevent E2F driven transcription of genes that commit the cell to DNA replication and cell division. In this application note, you will learn: The effect of palbociclib treatment in two breast cancer cell lines How to monitor the amount of phospho-Rb and Cyclin D1 protein levels with HTRF® ® immunoassays to examine the effect of CDK4/6 inhibition and Cyclin D1 regulation

Cell-based assays: Purposeful screens for better results

Over these last few decades there has been a growing trend in drug discovery to use cellular systems and functional assays, in addition to biochemical assays, for the characterization of new potential therapeutics. The ability to study the interaction between a candidate drug and its target within the context of a whole, intact cell allows for more physiologically relevant data to be obtained. However, such assays are more complex than traditional biochemical assays as such facts as membrane permeability, cellular metabolism, cell variability, additional binding partners, and signal transduction must be considered. To help you navigate the complexities in designing cell-based assays, we have gathered insights collected over the years and compiled them to provide you with elements to consider when setting up your cell-based assays. After all, any assay, biochemical or cell-based, is only as good as its design.

Application Note
Application Note
Characterization of candidate molecules through GTP binding assays

Enhance your GTP measurements with this application note δ-opioid receptors (DOP) have become a major target for the development of new pain treatments. This application note will show you how to characterize pharmacological compounds easily through GTP binding assays: Measuring the level of Gi protein activation Using a CHO membrane model expressing delta opioid receptor Several case studies for the different classes of pharmacological compounds

Application Note
Application Note
Characterizing compounds acting on β-arrestin2 coupled GPCRs

Dive deeper into research on the GPCR signaling pathway β-arrestins are intracellular proteins that play an important role in GPCR signaling. Complexes formed between ligand-occupied GPCRs and β-arrestin lead to interaction with adaptor protein AP2. This interaction is followed by internalization of the receptors. HTRF technology is effective for studying the interaction between AP2 and β-arrestin2. Get your application note to discover: The applicability of the β-arr2 recruitment kit to a variety of compounds acting on β-arrestin2, and its ability to correctly rank pharmacological compounds (agonists and antagonists) How you can detect the β-arrestin2 / AP2 interaction for all classes of GPCRs Detailed experimental conditions and explanatory diagrams

Cytokine assays: a guide to success with HTRF

The definitive guide to setting up a successful cytokine assay Many therapeutic areas require an understanding of cytokine release. When preparing for a cytokine assay, many underappreciated parameters (e.g. sample handling, cell culture format, sample dilutions) can in fact greatly impact the performance of the cytokine detection. This guide reviews the latest knowledge surrounding the proper use of HTRF cytokine assays. A review of the key terms and definitions in cytokine detection A list of optimization steps Recommendations for data analysis

Application Note
Application Note
Cytokine release from fresh blood samples

Ask real blood for real responses Fresh blood is the model of choice to study drug immunotoxicity and predict adverse effects. Written in collaboration with Blood Assay Solutions, this note provides guidelines for fresh blood cytokine quantification. Discover the power of our cytokine portfolio for your research. Features Step by step protocols for fresh blood cytokine quantification in your research Examples of pathway stimulation assays (TCR, TLR …) Comparison beteen fresh blood and PBMCs

Application Note
Application Note
Detection of MAPK activation to evaluate the efficacy and potency of KRAS/SOS1 inhibitors by AlphaLISA and HTRF technologies

Evaluation of the therapeutic profile of anti-oncogene compounds in various cell lines with AlphaLISA™ and HTRF™ KRAS is a proto-oncogene known to be mutated in many cancer subtypes, inducing uncontrolled proliferation and cell metabolism changes. Like most small GTPases, KRAS will bind to GDP in its inactive form or to GTP in its active form. KRAS G12C is one of the most commonly found mutant forms in cancers, and leads to a permanently active state of KRAS. The upregulation of KRAS interaction with the exchange factor SOS1 leads to cancer phenotypes. Reducing KRAS activity and associated pathways could control the biological processes involved in cancer growth. Furthermore, it is well known that KRAS induces activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), thus playing a central role in human cancers. This application note provides a convincing demonstration of the reliability of the AlphaLISA and HTRF KRAS portfolios to evaluate compound in vitro therapeutic profiles in a cellular context: Determine the effects of KRAS and SOS1 inhibitors in different human cancer cell lines Discriminate the cellular action of KRAS-targeting compounds and evaluate their effectiveness in modulating KRAS downstream pathways.

Application Note
Application Note
Determination of association and dissociation rates constants using the Tag-lite platform

Challenge the limits of binding kinetics studies This Note describes how binding kinetics studies can be enriched with a K on , K off approach by providing critical data on how the association and dissociation rates of a receptor-ligand couple can be assessed thanks to streamlined, no wash Tag-lite assays. Learn how to process and analyze the data, and discover how receptor binding kinetics offers significant insights into your compound’s mode of action. Features: Materials and methods for the experiment Data processing and result analysis Examples from our R&D

Technical Note
Technical Note
Developing a high throughput AlphaLISA assay for screening activity of biologics produced by engineered probiotic microbes

Due to limitations driven by circulatory half-life and drug target bioavailability, injected biologics often require the injection of high doses, which can result in patient discomfort, unwanted side effects, a limited therapeutic window, and higher costs. To sidestep these pain points, Tenza has engineered probiotic microbes to synthesize and deliver protein therapeutics directly to the target tissue. The functional activity of the secreted protein biologic is assessed by its binding to a target protein relevant to its therapeutic indication. The pre-existing assay format for testing functional activity was a standard ELISA, which had limited dynamic range and throughput, required large sample volumes, and involved multiple tedious wash steps. Download this application note and discover how the authors switched to a custom developed AlphaLISA ® assay to overcome the limitations they had observed in the use of their ELISA assays.

Discover the benefits of Inositol phosphate assays over calcium flux when studying Gaq signaling

The essential guide to Gq signaling This White Paper aims to provide you with the information related to the Inositol phosphate approach for Gαq signaling studies. Technology principle, ease of use, performance, specificity and more! All these topics are reviewed in this comprehensive guide. Review the fundamentals of Inositol signaling Avoid the pitfalls of hemi-equilibrium Make the most of unmatched specificity

Download our white paper on the Human Kinome

Get a picture of today’s Kinase knowledge Kinases are involved in many diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders. Developed in collaboration with Labiotech, this white paper provides you with critical information about how kinases influence disease and helps you learn more about targeted kinase therapies. Features: Review the fundamentals of Kinase research Learn from a cutting-edge content

Application Note
Application Note
Download your application note on STING agonists characterization with IFN-β

Discover a rapid and reliable tool for the identification and characterization of STING-targeting compounds. Quantifying human IFN-β using an HTRF-based approach This note demonstrates how using HTRF to quantify human IFN-β is a powerful and effective method for the characterization of STING agonists. It provides data demonstrating that the quantification of IFN-β using HTRF is well correlated with ELISA assays. This note also provides data about gene reporter assay correlation with our HTRF IFN-β assay.