BioLegend reagents for exosome enrichment and analysis
BioLegend provides numerous reagents to study exosomes and their biological mechanisms. Explore their conjugated antibodies for exosome marker detection. Or, use their convenient magnetic bead-based MojoSort™ kits to enrich for exosomes without needing to ultracentrifuge samples.
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Gel-free small RNA-seq library prep
The NEXTFLEX™ Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 provides a streamlined exosomal miRNA-Seq library preparation protocol using a gel-free workflow. With this approach, researchers can obtain a high number of reads aligning to mature miRNA, while minimizing adapter dimers—even when working with extremely low miRNA inputs typical of exosome samples.
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Automation of small RNA-seq workflows
Small RNA library preparation is one of the most difficult types of NGS library preparation, which can be simplified with automation to enable you to improve miRNA discovery.
The NEXTFLEX Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 is a gel-free, fully automatable protocol using an adapter dimer reduction approach. The advantage is that the protocol automated on the Sciclone® G3 NGS/NGSx and Zephyr® G3 NGS workstations enables high sample throughput, generating more libraries in less time while maintaining data quality.