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ssDNA 7K Assay Reagent Kit

LabChip® ssDNA 7K Assay provides a fast and high throughput fragment analysis for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or RNA. The detection ssDNA concertation is as low as around 20 pg/µL for 1100nt ssDNA, and up to 7200nt ssDNA. Contains enough reagent for 500 samples. Assay chip is sold separately.

Feature Specification
Instrument Compatibility LabChip GXII Touch
Sample Type DNA
Technology Microfluidic Electrophoresis

LabChip® ssDNA 7K Assay provides a fast and high throughput fragment analysis for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or RNA. The detection ssDNA concertation is as low as around 20 pg/µL for 1100nt ssDNA, and up to 7200nt ssDNA. Contains enough reagent for 500 samples. Assay chip is sold separately.

Product Variant
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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Kit contains:

  • ssDNA 7K Ladder (CLS157950, 1 vial, storage temperature -25 to -15 oC)
  • ssDNA chip storage buffer (5 vials, storage temperature 2-8 oC)
  • ssDNA marker (1 vial, storage temperature 2-8 oC)
  • ssDNA gel matrix (5 vials, storage temperature 2-8 oC)
  • ssDNA dye concentrate (1 vial, storage temperature 2-8 oC)
  • 10X sample buffer (3 vials, storage temperature 2-8 oC)

Key Specification:

  • Sizing range: up to 7200 nt
  • Sensitivity: 19 pg/µL 1.1 kb fragment, 89 pg/µL 5.1 kb fragment
  • Quantitation reproducibility: 20% CV
  • Size reproducibility: < 15% CV
  • Run time: 100 seconds per sample (About 3 hours for 96 samples)
  • Chip preps for reagent kit: 5 HT preps or 10 LT preps
  • Maximum salt concentration: 10 mM Tris

Plates, Chips and Reagents sold separately:

  • HT DNA 5K/HT RNA LabChip® Assay (LabChip® GX Touch™ HT, 760435)
  • 24 DNA 5K/HT RNA LabChip® Assay (LabChip® GX Touch™ 24, CLS138949)

Assay run program available from download:

  • ssDNA 7K. asyx LabChip® GX Touch™ Software v1.10 or higher and LabChip® GX Reviewer v5.8 or higher are required.

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DNA Analysis
RNA Analysis
Automation Compatible
Instrument Compatibility
LabChip GXII Touch
Sample Type
Shipping Conditions
Dual Temperature
Microfluidic Electrophoresis


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