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HostDetect E.coli PCR DNA Quant Kit

This real-time PCR assay (RUO) enables quantitative detection of residual E.coli host genomic DNA in extracted nucleic acid samples from biopharmaceutical products.

Feature Specification
Analytical Sensitivity > 0.03 pg/rxn

This real-time PCR assay (RUO) enables quantitative detection of residual E.coli host genomic DNA in extracted nucleic acid samples from biopharmaceutical products.

Product Variant
Unit Size: 192 rxns
Part #:
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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The HostDetect™ E.coli PCR DNA Quant Kit is specific for DNA from E.coli genome. The reagents utilize sequence-specific primers and TaqMan® probe to amplify the 16S ribosomal RNA gene of E.coli genomic DNA for residual host genomic identification. A primer/probe set to detect Internal Control (IC), is also included for monitoring entire process from extraction to real-time PCR. The reagents also use a dUTP/UNG carryover prevention system to avoid contamination of PCR products. For more information, contact:

Key Highlights:

  • Quantify E.coli genomic DNA with as little as 0.03 pg per PCR reaction in < 2 hours of PCR
  • Internal control detection for process monitoring from sample extraction to PCR
  • High specificity: No cross-reactivity with unrelated DNA
  • Flexible extracted DNA input volume up to 10 µL per well
  • Scalable reaction numbers from 1 to up to 192 per kit

Additional product information

HostDetect™ E.coli PCR DNA Quant Kit Workflow


The probes for the E.coli genomic DNA and Internal Control detection are labeled with FAM and HEX/VIC fluorescent dyes, respectively, to generate target-specific signal. ROX is used for Passive Reference. Any Real-time qPCR Instruments with FAM™ and VIC®/HEX™ channels can be used with this assay.

HostDetect™ E.coli PCR DNA Quant Kit Quantification Range**


**: ATCC or USP reference standards for residual DNAs are not included in the kit. Customer must order these separately from ATCC or USP web sites.


Quantification Range 0.3 ng to 0.03 pg/rxn
Linearity R2 ≥ 0.99, Eff%= 100±20%
Sensitivity ≥ 0.03 pg/rxn
Precision CV < 5% at 0.03 pg/rxn
Shipping Conditions Shipped on Dry ice
Storage Conditions -25 to -15 °C


Analytical Sensitivity
> 0.03 pg/rxn
Shipping Conditions
Shipped in Dry Ice
Storage Conditions
-25C to -15C
Unit Size
192 rxns


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Application Note
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