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DELFIA Xpress random access platform for prenatal screening

DELFIA® Xpress random access platform for prenatal screening. Confidence in your results, total flexibility of a random access system, supports 1st and 2nd trimester aneuplody screening strategies being implemented in today' screening programs. The instrument is also optimized for pre-eclampsia screening and management in all trimesters with PlGF and sFlt-1 markers.

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Unit Size: 1 each
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Products may not be licensed in accordance with the laws in all countries. Please check with your local representative for availability.


The DELFIA® Xpress has been developed to streamline workflows in laboratories and clinics providing prenatal screening services. The platform offers a variety of benefits critical for operational efficiency, with a wide range of available kits for all trimesters, it supports different strategies in aneuploidy and pre-eclampsia screening programs.

  • The speed and flexibility of random access
  • The simplicity and ease of use of a new generation instrument with up-to-date software design
  • The security associated with barcoded reagents and samples to ensure positive identification
  • The reassurance from using reliable, proven DELFIA chemistry
  • LifeCycle™ software for prenatal screening
  • An ideal solution for delivering OSCAR (one stop clinic for assessment of risk) services

Revvity does not endorse or make recommendations with respect to research, medication, or treatments. All information presented is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. For country specific recommendations please consult your local health care professionals.

Products may not be licensed in accordance with the laws in all countries, such as the United States. Please check with your local representative for availability


Prenatal screening
DELFIA® Xpress
Detection Modality
Down Syndrome
Research Areas
Maternal & Fetal Health
Unit Size
1 each


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