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Target Engagement Reagents

The pharmacological validation of the interaction of a ligand with its protein target is referred to as target engagement. Target engagement studies are crucial in drug discovery as they can provide confirmation that the compound(s) under study are indeed binding to the target protein at the intended site in order to be both effective and safe. Traditionally, target engagement has been assessed on purified proteins in buffer or deduced from downstream pathway effects such as post-translational modifications (PTMs) or enzyme substrate changes. Both of these approaches have severe limitations such as lack of a physiologically relevant environment in the case of purified proteins, or the inability to confidently attribute PTMs to one particular protein target due to the existence of multiple pathways controlling modification.

Even target engagement methodologies that do take place within a cellular environment such fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) technologies have limited physiological relevance, since they require modifications to the protein and cloning.


The Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA) is based on the change of the thermal denaturation profile of the native target protein in a cellular context that occurs following the binding of a ligand (i.e. a drug candidate). CETSA is performed by incubating cells with the test compound, followed by heating of the compound-treated cells, and then by quantifying the remaining soluble target protein. The thermally stabilized protein-ligand complex can then detected by Alpha or HTRF® assay technology. Both technologies are no-wash, highly sensitive with a broad dynamic range, and provide fast time-to-results. CETSA is a patented method and a licence from Pelago Bioscience is required to use the technology.


CETSA can be combined with antibody pair screening technologies such as Alpha or HTRF allowing the study of thousands of compounds in a High-Throughput fashion.

CETSA combined with a proximity-based assay such as Alpha or HTRF:

  • Is a cell-based, physiologically relevant target engagement study tool
  • Uses endogenous protein levels in unmodified or even primary cells
  • Can be applied throughout the drug discovery workflow in a reliable, high-throughput format

Alpha / HTRF CETSA is a real game changer in that it combines an intracellular, physiologically relevant assay with high-throughput potential and amenability to automation.

CETSA Validated vs CETSAble®

Revvity and Pelago Biosciences currently offer fully validated Alpha CETSA kits covering 13 different protein targets, including EGFR, BCL-2, NFκB, and p38 MAPK.

We also recommend an additional 40 AlphaLISA® SureFire® kits for protein targets that have been pre-validated by Pelago as CETSAble. This pre-validation ensures that the protein target displays physical properties that make it amenable to thermal shift studies as well as the applicability of the Alpha assay in the context of CETSA.

CETSA is a patented method and the use of these kits with CETSA is permitted under license from Pelago Bioscience.


A CETSAble assay has undergone validation as to the amenability of the protein target to heat-based denaturation studies as well as the usability of the approach in common cell lines. It will require further optimization in the end-user’s hands for their particular application and experimental conditions.

Target Engagement Reagents


For results in half the time of ELISA, without wash steps, and with excellent sensitivity in a variety of matrices, including serum and plasma.

For results in half the time of ELISA, without wash steps, and with excellent sensitivity in a variety of matrices, including serum and plasma.

The principle of detection of the soluble protein by the Alpha CETSA® assay is shown in the figure above. Only the soluble protein will lead to the generation of an Alpha signal (top), while the thermally denaturated insoluble protein does not generate the proximity needed for an Alpha signal (bottom).


Alpha SureFire

For studying pathways or phosphorylated proteins in whole cells or studying endogenous receptors.

For studying pathways or phosphorylated proteins in whole cells or studying endogenous receptors.

The principle of detection of the soluble protein by the Alpha SureFire CETSA® assay is shown in the figure above. Only the soluble protein will lead to the generation of an Alpha signal (top), while the thermally denaturated unsoluble protein is unable to create the proximity needed for the generation of an Alpha signal (bottom).

how can we help you

How can we help?

When it comes to developing assays or troubleshooting issues, always know you’re never on your own.

When it comes to developing assays or troubleshooting issues, always know you’re never on your own.

Whatever the assay you have in mind, you need the right technologies for your target. We can custom conjugate your antibody or biomolecule to any bead, or biotinylate or DIG-label your targets, so you can develop the assay you need. If you prefer, we can even perform the assay development for you.

FAS: Our global team of Field Application Scientists are hands-on subject matter experts in assay development. They are available to assist in both assay development and troubleshooting.

Application support knowledgebase (ASK): Need help at 1am? We’ve got it covered. The Application Support Knowledgebase (ASK) contains detailed information on assay development, protocols, tips, FAQs, citations, troubleshooting and more. Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total MKK4 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of MKK4 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization or control assay in conjunction with the AlphaLISA SureFire phospho-MKK4 assay.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total BTK assay kit can be used to measure levels of BTK (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using no-wash Alpha technology.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total JNK1/2 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of JNK1/2 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ Total SLP-76 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of SLP-76 (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be used as a normalization for phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total TBK1 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of TBK1 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ Total SYK assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of SYK (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be used as a normalization for phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total RIPK1 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of RIPK1 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total p53 assay kit can be used to measure levels of p53 (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using no-wash Alpha technology.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ Total CHK2 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of total CHK2 in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total FGF Receptor 1 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of FGF Receptor 1 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total Ret assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of Total (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) Ret in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total PLC G1 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of Total (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) PLC G1in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6) assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of Ribosomal S6 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total eiF4E assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of eiF4E (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire®Ultra™ total AMPKα1/2 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of AMPKα1/2 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization or control assay in conjunction with the AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra phospho-AMPKα1/2 assay.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total KAP1 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of KAP1 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total IKKα assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of IKKα (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total SMAD3 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of SMAD3 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total STAT6 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of STAT6 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total PI3 Kinase p85 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of PI3 Kinase p85 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total Rb assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of Rb (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total IGF-1 Receptor β assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of IGF-1 Receptor β (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization or control assay in conjunction with the AlphaLISA SureFire phospho-IGF-1 Receptor β assay.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total mTOR assay kit can be used to measure levels of mTOR (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using no-wash Alpha technology.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ Total STAT3 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of STAT3 (both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be used as a normalization for phosphorylation studies.

AlphaLISA Surefire Ultra Total Protein

The AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™ total SMAD1 assay is a sandwich immunoassay for quantitative detection of SMAD1 (phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated) in cellular lysates using Alpha Technology. This assay is intended to be a normalization phosphorylation studies.

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Alpha SureFire Ultra no-wash immunoassay catalog

Discover Alpha SureFire ®   Ultra ™ assays, the no-wash cellular kinase assays leveraging Revvity's exclusive bead-based technology and sandwich immunoassays for detecting phosphorylated proteins in cells. Offering a quantitative alternative to Western Blotting, Alpha SureFire assays are automation-friendly, easily miniaturized, and proficient in detecting both endogenous and recombinant proteins. Explore our comprehensive portfolio of SureFire Assays, designed to help you elevate and expedite your drug discovery journey.

AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra assay optimization

This guide outlines further possible optimization of cellular and immunoassay parameters to ensure the best possible results are obtained.

AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra: the ultimate guide for successful experiments

The definitive guide for setting up a successful AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra assay Several biological processes are regulated by protein phosphorylation. It is, therefore, no surprise that the dysregulation of protein phosphorylation is implicated in a relatively large number of diseases. AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra assays provide a robust and reliable method for quantifying a targeted phosphorylation event in cell-based experiments. This guide contains tools and data helpful for you to perform your assays using AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra: A detailed description of the assay and its options A thorough investigation of assay conditions to obtain the optimal response from the chosen modulator and cell line A list of optimization steps to provide a sufficient assay window and produce the strongest results possible

An overview of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis pathogenesis, cellular actors, and pathways Atherosclerosis is a common condition in which arteries harden and become narrow due to a build-up of fatty material, usually cholesterol, and other substances such as calcium. This can lead to a range of serious health complications, including heart attack or stroke, making the disease an important contributing factor in death and morbidity in developed countries. Recent developments in our understanding of atherosclerosis from a molecular perspective include the discovery of new players in disease pathogenesis. Included in this white paper Atherosclerosis: step-by-step pathogenesis, therapeutic strategies, and recent developments Detailed descriptions and explanations, including a focus on pathways

Application Note
Application Note
Characterizing chemokine receptor inhibitors with AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra, Alpha SureFire Ultra Multiplex and LANCE Ultra cAMP assays

The measurement of protein phosphorylation is a useful tool for measuring the modulation of receptor activation by both antibodies and small molecules. CCR7 and CXCR2 receptors, which are expressed in immune cells and are therapeutic targets for disorders like lupus erythematosus, adult leukemia, lymphomas, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and sepsis. AlphaLISA ™ SureFire ® Ultra ™ and Alpha SureFire ® Ultra ™ Multiplex assays are automation-friendly, applicable to both small and large-scale screens, and can assess phosphorylation status in complex matrices. The LANCE Ultra cAMP assay is measures cyclic AMP (cAMP) produced upon modulation of adenylyl cyclase activity by G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). This application note demonstrates how the SureFire Ultra and LANCE Ultra cAMP assays can be used for measuring inhibitors to CCR7 and CXCR2 cell surface receptors using a cellular model system where these receptors are overexpressed in CHO cells. The assays were optimized to measure receptor blockage and assayed receptor activity modulation by detecting ERK and AKT phosphorylation status and cAMP modulation. For more details, download the application note!

Download your guide about neurodegenerative diseases

Emerging pathways to neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration Neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, or Alzheimer's disease, occur as a result of neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative progression. For the moment, these diseases are incurable. However, as research progresses, many similarities between these diseases have been found at a sub-cellular level. Review the fundamentals of the neuroinflammation process Learn from a cutting-edge research report Detailed insight into neurodegenerative diseases

Technical Note
Technical Note
Evaluating protein phosphorylation and cellular signaling cascades within the integrated stress response pathway

Protein phosphorylation, regulated by kinase and phosphatase cascades, plays a crucial role in cellular processes. Monitoring phosphorylation events in cellular models aids in studying compound activity and understanding mechanisms of action. In this technical note, we showcase the effectiveness of AlphaLISA ™ SureFire ® Ultra ™ assays in accurately measuring targeted phosphorylation events and total protein levels, with a focus on the eIF2α/ATF-4 pathway in cell-based experiments. Download the note to learn more!

Technical Note
Technical Note
PROTAC degraders targeting CDK4/CDK6 for the study of cell cycle regulation in oncology

The cell cycle is tightly regulated by key proteins like Cyclin D1, which forms complexes to initiate progression through phases like G1 into S and G2. Dysregulation of these proteins, including Cyclin A2, Cyclin B1, Cyclin D1, and Cyclin E1, can serve as prognostic biomarkers in cancer, potentially driving uncontrolled proliferation and cancer progression. Discover insights on cell cycle regulation in this technical note using AlphaLISA ™ SureFire ® Ultra ™ immunoassay technology, investigating molecular responses to PROTAC and NRG1 treatments. Download the full document to learn more.

Protein degradation awareness in a single guide

An in-depth review of molecular and cellular pathways The maintenance of proteostasis, the biological mechanisms that control the fate of a protein from synthesis to degradation, is ensured by complex and interconnected pathways controlling protein abundance, turnover, folding, functions, subcellular localization, and ultimate degradation. Impaired proteostasis can lead to the accumulation of damaged or aggregated proteins, or conversely, to excessive protein degradation. Proteostasis is thus involved in pathologies such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. This protein degradation booklet helps scientists and researchers appreciate and navigate the diversity of molecular pathways associated with protein degradation. Check out this exclusive guide that includes: Key information about the ubiquitin structure, function, and regulation The cellular and molecular understandings on proteasome and autophagy degradation machinery An overview of current therapeutic strategies, as well as the promising PROTAC approach to specifically target protein degradation

Reagent solutions for autoimmunity research.

Advance your autoimmune disease research and benefit from Revvity broad offering of reagent technologies

Shifting the treatment paradigm: the promise of gene therapy for neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s, are complex disorders that affect millions worldwide. Traditional treatments focus on managing symptoms, but recent advancements in gene therapy offer hope for more effective and lasting solutions. Key insights: Understanding neurodegenerative diseases: Learn about the prevalence, impact, and current treatment limitations neurodegenerative diseases. Gene therapy mechanisms: Explore how gene therapy works, including CRISPR gene editing, RNA interference, and other cutting-edge techniques. Approved therapies: Get detailed information on the four FDA-approved gene therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, including their mechanisms and delivery methods. Future directions: Discover the latest advancements in gene editing technologies and delivery systems that are paving the way for more effective treatments. Why Gene Therapy? Gene therapy represents a revolutionary approach to treating neurodegenerative diseases by targeting the root causes at the genetic level. This white paper delves into the science behind these therapies and their potential to transform patient outcomes. Exclusive Content: Detailed explanations of genome and RNA editing techniques. Insights into the latest delivery methods for gene therapy. Case studies of approved gene therapies and their impact. Future trends and research directions in the field. Fill out the form below to access the complete white paper and stay updated with the latest research and developments. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Solution for accurate research on fibrosis

Human fibrotic diseases are a significant health problem worldwide due to the large number of people affected and the incomplete knowledge of the fibrotic process’s pathogenesis. Advance your research on fibrosis and benefit from Revvity’s broad offering of reagent technologies. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Species compatibility for HTRF, AlphaLISA SureFire Ultra and Alpha SureFire Ultra Multiplex assays

This document includes detailed tables listing HTRF™, AlphaLISA™ SureFire® Ultra™, and Alpha SureFire® Ultra™ Multiplex assays. Each assay is evaluated for its compatibility with species including Human, Mouse, Rat, Monkey, Hamster, Drosophila, Pig, and Dog. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Understanding obesity: exploring cellular pathways and mechanisms

Obesity is a complex condition characterized by excessive fat accumulation, posing significant health and socioeconomic challenges globally. Our in-depth guide delves into the intricate cellular processes contributing to obesity, offering insights into potential therapeutic avenues. Main cellular mechanisms included in this guide: Adipogenesis: understand the formation of fat-storing cells, key transcription factors, and intracellular signaling pathways. Lipid metabolism: learn about the processes involved in lipid digestion, absorption, transportation, storage, and degradation. Insulin signaling: discover the role of insulin in metabolism and the impact of insulin resistance. Neuroendocrine regulation of appetite: explore how hormones and neurotransmitters control appetite and food intake. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.