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With proven performance, open-deck design, and integration-friendly architecture, Revvity's Sciclone™ G3 liquid handling workstations can be configured to automate applications including genomics, proteomics, immunoassays, and cell based assays.

High-throughput microplate sample preparation
  • 96-well plate to 96-well plate
  • 96-well plate to 384-well plate
  • 384-well plate to 384-well plate
  • 384-well plate to 96-well plate

We recommend using Revvity branded pipette tips with your liquid handler. Our tips have been carefully designed and produced to stringent standards of quality to ensure maximum accuracy and precision, and are the only tips guaranteed to work on Revvity liquid handlers.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Sciclone Workstations
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Sciclone G3 Liquid Handling Workstation

The Sciclone® G3 workstation is our highly flexible automated liquid handling workstation for drug discovery. Among other features, it includes: 96-well high-volume head, DT, 1-200 µL volume range UV light Gripper Four-sided enclosure with front access and interlocks.

Part Number: CLS150360
Sciclone® G3 NGSx iQ™ Workstation

The Sciclone® G3 NGSx iQ™ workstation is designed for full automation of PCR preparation and walk-away NGS library preparation. This workstation includes the Twister® III robotic arm to perform even the most complex library preparation workflows.

Part Number: CLS152236
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Automating Cergentis® / Solvias® TLA for targeted complete transgene & integration sequencing in pharmaceutical cell line development & quality control. Targeted sequencing

Application Note
Application Note
Automating Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment targeted sequencing solution

Illumina ® DNA Prep with Enrichment is a flexible library preparation workflow for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and is compatible with both Illumina and third-party enrichment probes and panels. Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment is a flexible targeted sequencing solution, working with various DNA amounts and sample types like blood, saliva, genomic DNA, and even FFPE tissue. It allows adding blood and saliva directly, skipping steps like DNA quantification, which saves both time and resources. Read the application note to review the application method steps, the results, and how much time was saved by automating the library prep on the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation.

Application Note
Application Note
Automating Illumina DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 enrichment

Illumina DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment protocol is compatible with high-quality, double-stranded human genomic DNA (gDNA) inputs of 10-1000ng (minimum 50ng is recommended for optimal performance), fresh whole blood, and saliva samples. The Illumina DNA Prep protocol automated on Revvity’s Sciclone ® NGSx and iQ ™ automation workstations has minimized the human input by reducing hands-on time and increasing walkaway time. Read the application note to review the sequencing data obtained from the exome-enriched libraries prepared on these Sciclone liquid handlers.

Application Note
Application Note
Automating NGS library prep with the NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq Kit

This automated solution of the liquid handling workstations and NEXTFLEX ® Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq kit, combined with NEXTFLEX proprietary normalization beads produces consistent amount of DNA for all samples in a library pool. Thus, shortening the time needed for quantification and pooling preparation for sequencing by up to 3 hours/96 sample. Read this application note to learn how you can automate the NEXTFLEX ® Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq Kit on a Sciclone ® or Zephyr ® liquid handler to construct normalized, ready-to-sequence DNA-seq libraries while reducing hands-on time and variability.

Application Note
Application Note
Automating PacBio SMRTbell Prep Kit 3.0 for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

The PacBio ® SMRTbell ® Prep Kit 3.0 as automated on Revvity’s Sciclone ® G3 NGSx workstation offers a high throughput workflow for long-read library prep that reduces hands-on-time, human error, and variability, thereby reducing overall project costs. For this application note, high-molecular weight (HMW) DNA was extracted from HG001 cells using the Nanobind HT CBB Kit. Read the application note to review the application method steps, the results, and how much time was saved by automating the library prep on the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation.

Application Note
Application Note
Automating the Illumina Complete Long Read Prep with Enrichment, Human on Revvity Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation.

Illumina® Complete Long Read (ICLR) Prep with Enrichment, Human Kit uses long-read sequencing technology to access areas of the genome that are traditionally challenging to map. ICLR, Enrichment with HCP is aimed for researchers who want to combine the benefits of long-read and short-read sequencing on a single platform. This enables studying complex genetic variations like structural rearrangements and repetitive elements, which can be challenging for short-read sequencing alone. Learn how automating this cutting-edge technology is powering our understanding of genetic diseases, evolution, and human genomic diversity.

Application Note
Application Note
Automating the illumina: stranded mRNA prep ligation kit

Illumina ® Stranded mRNA Prep, Ligation Kit automation on the Sciclone ® G3 NGSx Automation workstation has reduced hands-on time while working with low volumes. This allows a user to experience sequencing library from 25-1000 ng of high-quality total human RNA. This application note shows the data illustrating how automated, vendor-qualified method can deliver either low- or high-throughput library construction while reducing hands-on time and risk of errors while working even with very reduced volumes.

Application Note
Application Note
Automation of the QIAseq® DIRECT SARS-CoV-2 library and enhancer kits on the Sciclone NGSx iQ workstation.

Application Brief
Application Brief
How vendor-qualified automated methods accelerate NGS workflows

From Bench to Sequencing within Days With the cost to sequence genomes declining dramatically, scientists and researchers are applying next generation sequencing (NGS) technology to new discoveries and clinical research applications at a rapidly expanding rate. These applications are driving the need for sample preparation workflows that prepare the DNA/RNA libraries prior to sequencing. This growing appetite for new kits plus the demand for higher-throughput solutions often mean that start-up to sequencing can take months. The development of vendor-qualified, automated library protocols solves this growing problem. This scientific brief examines how vendor-qualified automated library protocols are shrinking the time to start sequencing from months to days. It describes how installing a vendor-qualified method eliminates much of the on-site application development, field service, and support work that are required by a custom or unqualified automated method. Case studies demonstrate the meaningful impact of these solutions on NGS application installation and start-up. With over 35-years of experience in automated liquid handing including the Sciclone ® and Zephyr ® NGS workstations, and a pioneer in NGS automation, Revvity has a wide portfolio of NGS library prep automated solutions.

Application Note
Application Note
Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus automated on Sciclone G3 NGSx liquid handler

Illumina ® Total RNA Prep with Ribo-Zero ™ Plus offers a robust solution for in-depth RNA analysis. This protocol empowers researchers to uncover novel alternative transcripts, gene fusions, and allele-specific expression. This sequencing method works across diverse sample types (including FFPE) and removes abundant RNA from various species (human, mouse, rat, bacteria, and epidemiology samples). Read this application note to see data illustrating how automating the Illumina Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Kit on the Sciclone ® NGSx workstation can deliver either low- or high-throughput library construction while reducing hands-on time and risk of errors while working even with very reduced volumes.

Improving long-read next generation sequencing (NGS): What you should know about sample and library preparation.

During recent years, long-read, single-molecule DNA sequencing has ascended to become a foundational technology in genomic research. With the ability to provide a more comprehensive view of the genome, the technology has been applied to resolve some of the most challenging areas of human genetics. It also has been effective identifying complex structural variants and analyzing among the first telomere-to-telomere assemblies of whole chromosomes. While long-read sequencing is becoming common in genetic research, it introduces new requirements for sample and DNA library preparation. Discover what you should know about sample and library preparation to improve long-read next generation sequencing (NGS).|9999999998|

Application Note
Application Note
PacBio HiFiViral SARS-CoV-2 Kit automated on Sciclone NGSx workstation

PacBio ® HiFiViral ™ SARS-CoV-2 Kit is an end-to-end solution for genomic surveillance of COVID-19 variants. The protocol offers a simple workflow with fewer steps and touchpoints than PCR Amplicon Seq, enabling labs to rapidly scale sequencing and allowing to detect the presence of multiple strains in one sample. The kit was automated on the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation to enable a high-throughput workflow from cDNA synthesis through library construction. Read the application note to review the application method steps, the results, and how much time was saved by this automation.

Application Note
Application Note
Roche® KAPA® EvoPlus™ automated on Sciclone NGSx for a WGS library prep workflow - app note - DNA sequencing

Application Note
Application Note
Roche® KAPA® HyperPlus™ kits automated on Revvity's Sciclone G3 NGSx iQ workstation create an efficient, automated library prep solution.

Application Note
Application Note
Simplify NGS sample prep with Roche KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3

Benefit from NGS Target Enrichment Roche ® KAPA HyperCap Workflow v3 combines the high conversion rate from KAPA HyperPrep or KAPA HyperPlus library preparation kits with the uniform target capture from the KAPA Target Enrichment kit to produce high-quality enriched NGS libraries. This workflow accommodates input of mechanically sheared gDNA (KAPA HyperPrep) or can use an upfront enzymatic fragmentation module for intact gDNA (KAPA HyperPlus). Read the application note to review the workflow, the results, and how much time you could save by automating the library prep on the Sciclone G3 NGSx and NGSx iQ workstations.

Application Note
Application Note
Strealiming PacBio® HiFi Library Prep using SMRTbell® Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 using Revvity's Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation

Application Note
Application Note
Watchmaker mRNA Library Prep method automated on Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation

mRNA sequencing enables robust and high-resolution gene expression analysis, which is crucial for understanding the functional implications of genetic variations. This technology helps researchers decipher biological processes and advance research in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental science. However, mRNA library preparation is typically time and labor intensive – requiring multiple days to complete. The Watchmaker mRNA Library Prep Kit is designed for rapid library construction using as little as 2.5 ng of total RNA. Read the application note to review the application method steps, the results, and how much time was saved by this automation.

Application Note
Application Note
Watchmaker® DNA Library Prep Kit with Fragmentation automated on the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation