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Cytotoxicity and Cell Proliferation Assays

Fast, reliable measurement of cytotoxicity and cell proliferation

ATPlite™ 1step and ATPlite™ are patented and innovative technologies that measure cell proliferation and cytotoxicity in mammalian cells based on the detection of ATP using firefly luciferase. Light production caused by the reaction of ATP with added luciferase and D-luciferin is proportional to the ATP concentration. ATP is a marker for cell viability because it is present in all metabolically active cells. Because ATP concentration declines rapidly when cells undergo necrosis or apoptosis, monitoring ATP is a good indicator of cytocidal, cytostatic, and proliferation effects.

Our ATP luminescence assays provide a more sensitive alternative to colorimetric, fluorometric, and radioisotopic based assays for monitoring cell viability and proliferation.

Choose our ATPlite 1step assay for a single addition assay and our ATPlite assay for extended signal stability.

3D cell cultures, microtissues, and organoids are increasingly being used to bridge the gap between 2D cell cultures and in vivo animal models. These cell models are more physiologically relevant than 2D cell cultures, as they more closely represent the microenvironments, cell-to-cell interactions, and biological processes that occur in vivo.

Both ATPlite 1step and ATPlite are available in a format specific designed for studies using 3D spheroids.

Select our ATPlite™ 1step assay for a single addition assay and our ATPlite assay for extended signal stability.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Cytotoxicity and Cell Proliferation Assays
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