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Cell Health and Fitness Assay Kits and Reagents

Assess viability, vitality, mid and late-stage apoptosis, and reactive oxidative stress

Many samples in cellular therapy, immunotherapy, and cell line development are, by their nature, unique and precious. Samples are often comprised of a heterogeneous cell population and display a wide range of physiological behaviors. Whether these samples have undergone a freeze/thaw cycle, or cell isolation procedure, or have been cultured within a bioreactor for an extended period, the ViaStain Cell Fitness Panel Kit can be used to assess not only the wellbeing of cell samples but also to offer potential insights into samples with low or crashing viabilities. The cell fitness panel consists of five individual tests to assess viability, vitality, mid and late-stage apoptosis, and reactive oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is caused by an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within cells or tissues. While the production of ROS is part of the normal cellular metabolic processes, the cell’s inability to neutralize these radicals may have a direct impact on cell health, physiological functions, and possibly lead to cell damage or even cell death. The ViaStain™ Total ROS Green kits for the Cellometer™ Spectrum image cytometer and Cellaca™ MX high-throughput cell counter use a unique ROS sensor to quantify ROS in live cells.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Image showing five measures of cell health - viability, vitality, mid and late-stage apoptosis, and reactive oxidative stress.
Cell Health and Fitness Assay Kits and Reagents
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